In this episode we are working on the very basics for the forehand swing. Nothing complex.
When learning the forehand it's important you remember these few very basic steps.
Positioning, when positioning yourself, you need to be side on to the ball. One of the common errors I see in beginners and even intermediate players, the run at the ball front on and get themselves jammed up, (too close to the ball). Best way to learn as a beginner or intermediate is to leave space and get side on, to have a long loose swing at the ball.
The grip, it's very important in tennis that you are loose all round. But especially your grip and how you hold the racquet. Make sure you're not holding like a fist, have a little gap between your index finger and middle finger.
The swing, now theres 3 - 4 basics to the swing. Firstly you always want to find yourself starting with your racquet lower then the line of the ball. This way you can swing upwards to the ball and keep the motion swinging upwards to keep the ball traveling over the net. A common mistake beginners make is starting the swing in line with the ball or above the ball.
Secondly, you must contact the ball with your arm at full extension. If you are bending at the elbow or your arm touching your body at any point during the swing, it means your hitting the ball too late or too close. Also, at the time you contact the ball (at full extension), you must be keeping your racquet face straight to your target. Do not face your strings up to the sky or down to the ground.
The last step is the most important for beginners to learn. After contacting the ball (at full extension), follow through with full extension and catch the (grip) of the racquet with your non dominate hand.
When you finish the swing both your racquet arm and non dominate arm should be at full extension.
This is the important part.... At the end of your swing your racquet face should still be facing your target.
If you find that when your finishing your swing, your racquet face (the side that hit the ball) is facing slightly to a different direction to where you where aiming, it means you didn't follow the rules.
This is the best advice I can give you as a beginner or even intermediate.....
Don't focus on trying to hit the ball over the net. Don't focus on even getting the ball in. Yes, have a target in mind. But keep your focus on doing the technique properly. If you find that you do the technique properly, you'll most likely find you get a better result.
Check out the vid below and give it a try for yourself! Comment below to let me know how you go.